Уголок неба ¦ BAC.Английские сокращения и аббревиатуры

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ASuW - anti-surface warfare,
ASW -anti-submarine warfare,
AMCM - Over the Horizon Targeting Airborne Mine Countermeasures
AEW - Airborne Early Warning.
ASV - Air-to-Surface Vessel
AB - After Burner
ACP - Aft Cockpit
ADS - Accessory Drive System
AF - Air Force
AGE - Aerospace Ground Equipment
ANS - Astro Navigation System
APG - Another name for the Crew Chief's career field
BAFB - Beale Air Force Base, California
BPO - Basic Post-flight
CAP - Civil Air Patrol
CG - Center of Gravity
CMSgt - Chief Master Sergeant
COMINT - Communication Intelligence радиоперехват
CSD - Constant Speed Drive
DAFCS - Digital Automated Flight Control System
DEF - Defensive Systems
DMRS - Digital Mission Recording System
DPRT - Differential Pressure Transducer
EAFB - Edwards Air Force Base, California
ESM - Electronic survillance Measures - электронное наблюдение
ECM - Electronic Counter Measures - РЭБ
EGT - Exhaust Gas Temperature
ELINT- electronics signals intercept
EOR - End Of Runway
ET - Extended Thru Flight Inspection
FCP - Forward Cockpit
FLIR -forward looking infrared
GPS - Global Positioning System
HPO - Hourly Postflight Inspection
IFF - Information Friend or Foe
IFR - In Flight Refueling
INS - Inertial Navigation System
JOAP - Joint Oil Analysis Program
LN2 - Liquid Nitrogen
LOX - Liquid Oxygen
Lt - Left
MIL - Military (engine power setting)
MLG - Main Landing Gear
NCO - Non Commisioned Officer
NLG - Nose Landing Gear
OBC - Optical Bar Camera
PDM - Periodic Depot-level Maintenance
PR - Pre-Flight
PSD - Physiological Support Division
PTA - Pressure Transducer Assembly
PVD - Periphial Vission Display
QA - Quality Assurance
QAP - Quality Assurance Program
RAF - Royal Air Force, United Kingdom
RAAF - Royal Australian Air Force
RHSO - Right Hand Shut Off (tank 1)
RIP - Rest In Peace
RPM - Revolutions Per Minute
RSO - Reconnaissance Systems Officer Rt - Right
SAC - Strategic Air Command
SAR - Search and Rescue,
SAAF - South Africa Air Force
SIGINT - Airborne Signal Intelligence Signal Int. -  РТР
SLR - Side Looking Radar
SPR - Single Point Refueling
SSgt - Staff Sergeant
TDY - Temporary Duty
TEB - Triethylborane
TEOC - Technical Objective Camera
TSgt - Technical Sergeant